Friday 14 May 2010


I'm having a sleepy day. I've been walking around with my eyes shut, yawning all over the place, sleepy walking into cupboard doors, getting my words in a pickle and trying to fight a bad case of the heavy eyes.
Last night Matty and I were out again, this time at the Thekla. We lasted all of about two hours, no thanks to some pre-wine to go with our vodka and lemonades. I came home, wobbling up Park Street only to throw up in the toilet, in the bin and then pass out until 2pm today. It would be funny if it happened just the once but, I told you, one drink and I can already feel it so when I get to a third or fourth I'm a nightmare. The more I think about it the more I find it unreal how alcohol is legal and so socially accepted. I'm a pain in the butt after drinking, and that's nothing compared to your typical Bunker and Oceana idiots, but one illegalnaughtycigarette and I'm happy as a clam, no throwing up, passing out and getting nakey at all! All the lining of my stomach in the world can't help me when I'm drinking. It's my own stupid fault, I'm always sick and I always just black out and forget everything, no matter how little I drink so it's time I stopped. No lambrinis, tanqueray and tonics, vodka and lemonades, budweisers, whiskey and cokes, apple and lychee martinis, appletinis, green basterds, flatliners, weston's vintages, katy ciders, margaritas, long island iced teas, daiquiris, mojitos, mai tais and festival pear ciders for me!
But it must have been a good night because my phone now thinks it's 2am on the 1st of April 2009. I think I drank myself into timetravelling!
Today I haven't really done much at all, I woke up to find Matt gone and this instead..

Don't be sozzy Matty, I know you're not a twat!

Dan didn't even drink last night but slept until 4.30pm anyway..while I whizzed up a lasagne, katemade sauce and all, and salad for ten for two. Then I made a bed on the couch and watched some of Saving Private Ryan, now I'm doing this then I'm gonna get back to the film.

 Where are the 60s when you need them? Here's hoping next time..because realistically there will be a next time..I can time travel back and pick up a lifetime's worth of Soberin Aids!

Here's a funny little story..a friend's friend's Dad is a stunt double and one time was working with Tom Hanks. During a break, this friend's friend's Dad found a football, drew a face on it and kicked it over to Tom Hanks who then picked it up and yelled WILSON!
Heehee, who doesn't love Tom Hanks. It made me want to watch Castaway again.

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