Friday 14 May 2010

Friday favourites

A new slot. Here's hoping it goes better than Weird Photo Wednesday Thursday.
Today it's websites [and also this..]

Rare North Korea photos

Hand skills!

A Tibetan burial treat

'Up' wedding

Hipster yoga

Semi-productive things to do online

Hospital food

One for Laura..Lists!


The girls with glasses

Look at this fucking hipster

Dumb Ke$ha lyrics

8 ways to end the internet

Cake pops!

Cute overload

No more misspelling for you

That's enough of that. I made another playlist with lots a little help.

Also, Spotify hasn't caught up just yet but a new favourite of mine is Avi [the lead singer's name is Avigdor Zahner-Isenberg!] Buffalo. The sooner they're on spotify the better but for now there's Youtube and you can read about them here.

1 comment:

  1. very nice blog thanks for sharing with us I appreciated your blog!!!
