Friday 28 May 2010

Ha! Boo! Sucks to you!

Wednesday 26th.
That's for you, wok. My wok is falling apart, the handle wobbles, someone burnt the bottom so good that no Kim & Aggie tips work and I still made a pretty mean ginger chicken udon. I made wahooo no more exams for me noodles.

This morning Dan and I were in the Boston Tea Party eating cakes and doing some revising and I found a new snack to add my list of perfect snacks [for girls]. Sugarfree date flapjacks and lemon drizzle cake with icing, but it's got to be Boston Tea Party sugarfree date flapjacks and lemon drizzle cake. More add-ons I've been nibbling on recently include Reese's Pieces, exotic Soleros, yoghurt covered anything..except greek style fruit corners, not the mixed berry ones, Happy Hippos, dark chocolate digestives and Apple Hubba Bubba. Deeelicious.

I've got lots of food tips at the moment, just by accident. I've been doing a lot of walking and when you get doing a lot of walking, you see some things.
Don't buy passionfruit! They're tiny and lousy at the moment. I made an exoticy fruit salad yesterday and my passionfruits just made it crunchy
Pepsi Max cans are buy one get one free at Clifton Tesco which is perfect because now I can stop hating buying buy one get one free Diet Cokes from Sainsburys
Dipping the brown sliced bakery bread from Sainsburys into anything is underrated and should be done everyday! All I want to do is dip good bread into stuff at the moment
The ice-cream van at the top of Brandon Hill doesn't do whippy icecream but that hard yellow stuff.
Key Stores on Queen's Road is the best place for all my favourites boozy drinks. The man behind the till has a funny sounding name that I've forgotten but he's always really nice so I'm making this shop my local.
But, the 10 o'clock shop just up the road do surprise goody bags which is nice when the only surprise you've had all day is getting frozen broccoli thrown at you by your flatmate.
Clifton Butchers do T-bone steak!
Clifton Boston Tea Party only do scrambled eggs..I'm a poached egg kinda person. Scrambled is the worst thing you can do to an egg.
Wagamamas chillipepper pots are a good little steal.

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