Thursday 13 May 2010

Cling film City

This morning I opened the fridge to find everything wrapped in cling film, all thanks to Dan. Even the carrots got a good layering of the stuff. What hasn't been covered with cling film has been wrapped in foil! It looks like a new age of food, something you'd find if you looked in Tom Cruise's fridge. You can bet your last dollar that if you wanted a sandwich you'd just give up and go hungry after seeing the obstacle course of plastic and aluminium he's set up..everything, I can guarantee, is in some kind of [apparently cleanliness-approved by Dan] material that will definitely definitely stop all known food poisons. I'm not much of a believer in wrappers and plastic and don't much like the idea of my fruit and vegetables wrapped up in plastic to sweat in itself all day and night but Dan's on the look-out for germs so down to him I should stay clean and healthy forever! I've got to say, he did miss a bit..there's a freestanding lemon, placed willynilly at the back of the fridge on the shelf. Don't tell him! I'm trying to fight for its freedom.

 Heehee..he's going to be cross I wrote this, and even more cross if I unwrap all those poor foods and let them take a second to breathe. [but I do love you, you big crazy.]


  1. I don't wrap them to keep them away from germs, it's to stop them going off as quickly you monk! And for the cheese wrapped in foil, you did that not me!

  2. and the only things wrapped in cling film was our cheese (x2), ham and the one carrot!

  3. Ssh you, you're ruining my post! Since you noticed only the 2 cheeses, the one ham and a carrot are clingfilmed, you have been busy though baby. I just took a peek and you got the cucumber too! You did tell me off when I tried to keep the celery unwrapped and I saw the look on your face when you told me to wash the carrot again and I answered back!
