Thursday 13 May 2010

Another one meant for Tuesday

So last night I was boozy! I can't really drink, not even a little bit, without getting slightly wobbly so after three drinks I was steaming.

I've been a little bit quiet recently because it's exam time for me and yesterday morning, after all my watching of undercover documentaries and flash cards and library trips, I had a nice little 3 hour wake-up exam and I aced it! If I don't get a first I'll eat my hat. I couldn't be happier about it, I snuck in a little Latin too!
It was also Oli's birthday. Now, anyone who knows him will have found out a long time ago that anything a  regular person wouldn't do, Oli would! So of course I come back from the library last night to find that Oli had been on our roof, drinking and singing and invited some guy, who was walking past, inside. An out-of-his-head on ketamine drug dealer who for the next six hours wouldn't leave us alone guy who was walking past, naturally. Every time his phone rang I thought it would be his drugbuddies outside ready to storm our little flat and rob us all but lucky for us he just wanted to get even more out-of-his-head and was pretty happy snorting away and occasionlly pipping up to chat up Laura and I. Like good girls we turned down a sushi date at Obento.
Later on we were at the White Harte, with our new friend Eric, but we sneakily didn't mention we were leaving during the switch over from the White Harte to Nico's.. £3 for double vodkas! Start the Bus you little rats, you charge at least £6!
After a late night snack of ham sandwiches and ice pops I made a bed on the floor and woke up feeling just fine, while Dan does not. He got so drunk he was wobbling about last night and led down in the middle of a road to prove how unbusy it was.

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