Thursday 6 May 2010


I'm not one to ever buy the Daily Mail, death before buying the Daily Mail is my motto! However I was just reading the article about the BNP candidate's fight with some Asian men in the Guardian and when these things kick off I always like an idiot look at the Daily Mail comments, just out of curiosity and I've gotta say they've out-stupided themselves with this little gem. I couldn't be more cross. I never get cross! And I definitely never get cross about politics but I'm just mad about all these people who live in England with such blind, obtuse, limited, misinformed, unitellectual, unenlightened, unknowledgeable, uncultured, uncultivated, old-fashioned, wildly insubstantial, flimsy views! How can being beaten up be proportionate to the crime of spitting. Corporal punishment and brutality is the thing of old police-lore, of medieval times when offenders would be tortured and beaten into submission, it's the type of thing left to countries and people that don't know any better, but English people should know better, right? It's that same generation who can't comprehend the notion of goths or putting lemongrass and sundried tomatoes in food sometimes, that pride themselves on being so British. That birdbrained thinking that allows British people to be so blissfully in denial. British these days, in my opinion, may as well be a euphemism for prat. [Not all] British people enjoy nothing more than hate-mongering, a good moan and a chance to be the victim. Any opportunity to slam someone who makes a mistake is a dream. Yet every godamm one of them believes themself to be so blameless and worthy of condemning and judging because they work so so hard in their little office jobs and they live such humble dutiful lives. It's times like this I really have nothing good to say about England and English thinking and just thank my lucky stars that I live in Bristol and not places where I have Daily Mail readers as my neighbours because they could bet their child benefits I would do worse than spit at them.
Get stuffed Daily Mail!


  1. This is my favourite blog post of yours, ever! You forgot to tell everyone how the Daily Mail edited your comment!

  2. It's a good one , huh booboo? I told them!
