Sunday 19 September 2010

For Blog's Sake

Recently I've lost my pizazz for blogging. When I started my little blog I didn't really have any future visions, I was just making it up as I went along, including any old story or new adventure I wanted to talk about. Then I went away for a few months and got banned from blogging by China! Since I got back, I haven't had much time to blog and when I do I kinda feel like I'm lacking a lot. I have no time to read books about blogging and to go out everyday and take arty photos and post everything I wanna post in a suitably cutesy, kinda cool way. I've been feeling the blogging pressure big time, to maintain posting, to do it everyday and personalise my site, to start using all that code and script and so on, it takes as much thought and effort as a full time job and I'm kinda an all or nothing person. I want my blog to be what it looks like in my head but for now, it can't so I've avoided it. It doesn't help that I have a new job whereby I get up at 5am everyday plus I've been feeling a bit down and uninspired and restless and bored and fed up since I got home, overall. Hong Kong will do that to a person. It feels like home, I have such a soft spot for Hong Kongers..they have to be some of my favourite people [so far]. The whole place is amazing, it's one of those things that once you go you know, but until then you have no idea. I was walking around the place most of the time in a daze just like 'waaah people actually built this place, they actually actually built it.' It's incredible and coming back to Bristol was not. It's just reaffirmed my want to move away, to Jamaica, to Japan, to anywhere. I've been trying to pick things up a little, Dan [mi boyfriendo, he'sa spanish so you will see me write with lots of o's and el's when I'm talking about him] and I are gonna start Burger Monday and tell you all about the best and worst and inbetween burgers of Bristol, it's a little exclusive to just-Bristolians so I'm sorry for anyone who doesn't know where all the roads and places are. Burger Monday, as good as it sounds, is something he's more excited about than I am. All I can think about is how I'm going to end up with burger bum and burger belly. I'd much prefer to do Salad Saturday or Sushi Sunday but for now, it's definitely definitely Burger Monday. So there's that, and that's a start. But for now I found myself some inspiration in the form of Barney Stinson. I hope it helps for those lousy no-good days where all you want is to be five again, eating burgers and not thinking about your future fat ass.

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